Friday, October 3, 2008

Patt Morrison Mon, 10/6


Monday, October 6, 2008

1-3 p.m.



1:00 – 2:00








2:00 – 2:30

Prop 7: Progressive Energy Policy or Costly Energy Scheme?

Prop 7, known also as “Big Solar,” would require California utilities to get half their power from renewable energy resources by 2025 and increase the purchase of renewable resource electricity by 2% annually to meet a 40% requirement by 2020 and a 50% requirement by 2025. Current law requires a 20% level be reached by 2010. Prop 7’s proposed requirements would more than quadruple today’s production levels of solar, wind, and other renewable energy resources, which currently account for about 10.9% of California’s energy output. Proponents also claim prop 7 would help create 370,000 new high wage jobs. Opponents, including the Sierra Club and several high profile environmental groups, say the bill is riddled with loopholes and bureaucratic red tape.



YES on Prop 7:

David Freeman, engineer and attorney, spokesperson for Californians for Solar and Clean Energy (yes on 7 group)



NO on Prop 7:

Ralph Cavanagh, senior attorney and co-director of the Natural Resources Defense Council's energy program; serves on the U.S. Secretary of Energy's advisory board Natural Resources Defense Council.





2:30 – 3:00




1 comment:

Unknown said...

My votes for The Green Cowboy!!! YEE HAW!!!!!!