Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Recognition for improving human relations


from the

Los Angeles County

Commission on Human Relations


Office of Media Relations  ((213) 974-7654


For further information, contact:  Ava Gutierrez                                           October 6, 2008

(213) 974-7654 Telephone / (213) 687-4251 Facsimile

(818) 317-5516 Cell / Email: agutierrez@hrc.lacounty.gov






            Los Angeles –The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations will honor eight individuals and organizations for their outstanding leadership and achievement in the realm of improving human relations, at its annual John Anson Ford Human Relations Awards luncheon, on Thursday, October 23, at Luminarias Restaurant in Monterey Park.

The theme of the 2008 awards luncheon is “Building Partnerships for Solutions”.  Each year the Commission honors outstanding individuals, organizations and corporations for their exemplary work to promote positive intergroup relations from each of the five supervisorial districts.  The selection of these individuals and groups are made by both the Commission and the County Board of Supervisors.  Supervisors Yvonne B. Burke, Michael Antonovich and Zev Yaroslavsky are confirmed to attend and present the awards to their district honoree.







            This year’s John Allen Buggs Humanitarian Award is being presented to Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, who has distinguished himself as a visionary and human relations leader, both in bringing greater understanding between races, religions and people.  He has inspired other faith leaders in the community, and founded Jewish World Watch, an organization that works in partnership with groups and individuals of all faiths.

            The newly named Yvonne B. Burke Courage Award is being presented to Youth Radio, a group that helps underserved youth to learn technical skills, express their creativity and become future leaders in the media industry.  It is fitting since Supervisor Burke has been a woman of many “firsts” both in Congress and while serving the people of the Second Supervisorial District with great distinction.


            The Corporate Award winner in 2008 is Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company and Shirley L. Harbeson, the Senior Manager, for Lockheed’s Equal Opportunity Programs.  Both Ms. Harbeson and Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company have been long time partners of the Commission and have assisted the Commission in bringing creative programs to underserved youth in the Antelope and Santa Clarita valleys and especially at William S. Hart High School where both the corporation and Ms. Harbeson have been involved in the work of the Commission’s zerohour:  No Haters Here!  youth initiative through publication of the ‘Food for Thought’ literary project.







            Five supervisorial district winners are being honored by Commissioners and Supervisors: 

·         First District – Homegirl Café

·         Second District – California African American Museum

·         Third District – Juvenile Justice Task Force

·         Fourth District – Hispanic Outreach Taskforce

·         Fifth District  -  Cal Arts Community Arts Partnership (CAP)

Sponsorships are available at various levels, as are program book ad submissions.  For more information on these and ticket information, the public can contact Mary Louise Longoria at (213) 974-7611 or by e-mail at mlongoria@hrc.lacounty.gov

More information is available on each of the award recipients.  For press information, contact Ava Gutierrez at agutierrez@hrc.lacounty.gov




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