Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Patt Morrison schedule for Thursday, February 2, 2012


Thursday, February 2, 2012

1-3 p.m.





1:06-1:30 – OPEN


1:30 – 2:00 – Justice and the enemy: A look at the upcoming trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

President Obama created controversy when he pledged to try self-described 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a civilian court in New York City and then reversed paths last year, announcing that Mohammed and four other suspects would be tried by a military commission at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay. The trial is expected to start sometime this year although no date has been confirmed. Longtime journalist and author William Shawcross takes a nuanced, historical look at Mohammed’s upcoming trial in his new book and what it says about the balance between justice and national security in the United States. Shawcross reviews the case against Mohammed, placing the trial in a larger narrative that points to lessons from the military tribunals at Nuremberg after World War II, led by Allied forces against principal architects of Germany’s Nazi regime. He draws from the experience of his own father, Hartley Shawcross, who was England’s lead prosecutor at the trials. “I am confident that the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al, conducted by General [Mark] Martins, will be seen to be fair and appropriate. It will protect both the rights of the defendants and the security of the United States and its people,” writes Shawcross. What are your thoughts on constitutional values during wartime, such as the case with the trial of Mohammed and other accused 9/11 initiators?



William Shawcross, author of “Justice and the Enemy: Nuremberg, 9/11, and the Trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed”



2:06 – 2:40

Is working beyond 65 good for the economy? Or bad for you personally…

Work. Most of us do it until the day we can hang up our hats to enter a perceived “golden age” of retirement. But what if retiring at age 65 means less money for the U.S. economy, already under the weight of years-long downturn? That’s what economist Diane Lim Rogers is suggesting. Rogers notes that if the eligibility age for Medicare was increased just two years, from 65 to 67, annual Medicare spending would decline by 5 percent, according to a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Rogers also argues that if the eligibility age for Social Security benefits gradually rose to 70 from its current range of 65 to 67, Social Security spending would fall by 13 percent. While raising retirement age may benefit the country economically, how would it affect people personally? For those who love their jobs, working past typical retirement age is also tied to mental and professional sustainability. For those who work physically intensive jobs, however, working beyond one’s mid 60s may not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe. Would you retire past 65? Should age eligibility requirements for the likes of Medicare and Social Security be raised or kept as is?



Diane Lim Rogers, chief economist at The Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan think tank focusing on deficit-reduction policies, and the author of “Working beyond 65 can be good. Is it right?” in the January 30th edition of The Christian Science Monitor



“Working beyond 65 can be good. Is it right?” right?cmpid=ema:nws:BizTech%2002012012&cmpid=ema:nws:NzQ4MDU1MDEzNAS2


2:41:30 – 2:58:30

Charles and Ray Eames and the history behind Mid-Century modern

The set designers for “Mad Men” are facing tough competition these days for finding Mid-Century modern furniture at the Rose Bowl flea market. The sleek and sneakily functional designs popularized by designers like Charles and Ray Eames have been making a strong resurgence in recent years. Those designers didn’t just craft items for a mid-century lifestyle – they shaped the lifestyle itself, with objects people are cherishing to this day. They also fueled what was once a major manufacturing sector in our economy that's been sent off shore.  It's cost both quality workmanship and good paying jobs. Do Angelinos who scour weekend garage sales want to revisit the large picture thinking of Eames? Or is the intent of the designers even relevant any longer? 



Daniel Ostroff (OSS-stroff), curator of two Eames exhibits that are part of Pacific Standard Time and author of “Eames + Valastro: Design in the life of an American family – A rough sketch”




Lauren Osen

Southern California Public Radio - 89.3 KPCC

626-583-5173 / 626-483-5278 @Patt_Morrison


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