Friday, January 20, 2012

AirTalk for Monday, January 23, 2012

Contact: Producers Linda Othenin-Girard, Karen Fritsche, Katie Sprenger & Jasmin Tuffaha




Monday, January 23, 2012


10:06 –10:30

Topic: South Carolina primary results and other news from the campaign trail with NPR’s Political Junkie, Ken Rudin: This weekend’s South Carolina primary was either a total shock or exactly what everyone expected. With Mitt Romney’s big win, or small win, or Newt Gingrich’s upset, or Ron Paul’s upset or Rick Santorum’s upset, we either have a clear shot to November or the in-party in-fighting will continue. What’s next in the race to the top of the republican presidential heap? On whom will the axe fall next? How will the frontrunner or the surprise upset candidate fare against President Obama?  And WHEN will the media FINALLY start talking about Ron Paul?! We’ll get the inside scoop from NPR’s Political Junkie Ken Rudin, who will join Larry in-studio. (BLURB TO BE UPDATED MON A.M.)


Guest: Ken Rudin, political editor for NPR; writer of the Political Junkie blog             

IN STUDIO               


NOTE: Ken Rudin is here to attend the KPCC Leadership brunch on Sunday, January 22 at the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach


10:30 –11:00

Topic: Super PACS larger than presidential campaigns? Chances are, you’ve heard about the tongue-in-cheek effort by Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart to educate Americans about Super PACS – an outgrowth of the 2010 Supreme Court ruling allowing independent political groups to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money for candidates – as long as they’re “Definitely Not Coordinating” with the campaign. Most of the cash raised by Super PACS gets spent on political ads and spending this year has already exceeded $27-million, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). But this year, the political ads are different, say the critics of Super PACS. They can use what’s called “express advocacy” – a highly aggressive form of political speech. Supporters of GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney, used Restore Our Future to tank Newt Gingrich in Iowa, while Gingrich backers depended on Winning Our Future for revenge in South Carolina, according to a ProPublica report. At recent Republican debates, candidates have denounced their own Super PACS for running ads that opposing candidates deemed false or riddled with personal attacks. Have Super PACS become larger than the campaigns themselves? Some experts say no. They argue that Super PACS have become a focus in this election because they are required to disclose their expenditures, making it easier for media to report on them. Others say yes, Super PACS have uniquely affected the political climate surrounding this election unlike ever before. Now that the results of the South Carolina primary are in, what impact did all this spending have there? What’s the takeaway in terms whether these Super PACS are forces of good or forces of something not-so-good? Are the biggest spenders winning? We’ll crunch the numbers, and results to date, and debate the pros and cons of unlimited spending in this election cycle.


Guest: Ken Rudin, political editor for NPR; writer of the Political Junkie blog             



Guest: Bill Allison, Editorial Director, Sunlight Foundation  



Guest: Bradley A. Smith, Professor of Law, Capital University Law School



11:06 –11:30 



11:30 –12:00 

Topic: Bratton and Tumin on how collaborating across boundaries, changes the game: William Bratton led police departments in New York and Boston, where he’s still known as “Commissioner.” In Los Angeles, where he was top cop from 2002-2009, he’ll always be “The Chief.” Whatever moniker one uses, Bratton is largely thought of as a charismatic, tough-on-crime law enforcement leader, credited with reducing crime, improving safety and bringing people together. Now, Bratton has joined forces with Harvard researcher Zachary Tumin, to lay out a streetwise playbook on how to share information and collaborate across groups, divisions, agencies, companies and industries in today’s highly networked world. In Collaborate or Perish!, Bratton and Tumin offer up their own professional experiences by way of demonstrating how teamwork is not only central to success, it’s imperative. Technology helps – but it’s ultimately people who make it happen. And, Bratton and Tumin argue, governments and organizations that fail to collaborate and engage citizens, customers and suppliers, are doomed to perish. So, what can we learn from this cop/researcher team? Can Bratton and Tumin’s field-tested counsel bring divided politicians together in order to get more done? What can managers and employees do to get along better? Is collaboration always better than going it alone? Bratton and Tumin collaborate with Larry in-studio and take your questions and calls.


Guest: William Bratton, co-author, Collaborate or Perish: Reaching Across Boundaries in a Networked World (Random House/Crown Business); Chairman of Kroll, a risk consulting company; former Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (2002–2009); former Boston Police Commissioner and New York City Police Commissioner



Guest: Zachary Tumin, co-author, Collaborate or Perish!: Reaching Across Boundaries in a Networked World (Random House/Crown Business); Special Assistant to the Director and Faculty Chair of Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program

IN STUDIO               


FORWARD PROMOTE: Bill Bratton and Zach Tumin will discuss their book with KPCC’s Patt Morrison at Barnes & Noble at The Grove, tomorrow, Tuesday, January 24 @ 7pm. More info on the AirTalk page at

Event info for web:

For web:

Twitter: @BrattonTumin


Karen X Fritsche
Producer - AirTalk with Larry Mantle
89.3 KPCC 89.1 KUOR 90.3 KVLA
Southern California Public Radio
474 S Raymond Ave
Pasadena, CA 91105
Desk: 626-583-5164 | Studio: 866-893-5722 | Facebook | Twitter


AirTalk is Best Talk & Public Affairs Program, LA Press Club 2011; host Larry Mantle is SPJ/LA's Distinguished Radio Journalist of the Year 2011


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