Wednesday, October 26, 2011

RE: Patt Morrison for Thursday, October 27, 2011




Thursday, October 27, 2011

1-3 p.m.



Guest host David Lazarus fills-in for Patt Morrison




1:06 – 1:30 OPEN



1:30 – 1:58:30

Republicans want more taxes…from the poor
“The devil is in the details,” Bachman famously said about Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan. But many of her counterparts, including most recently Rick Perry, are championing a new America with a flat tax system. A raised flat tax, they argue, would broaden the base of taxpayers – many of whom don’t pay enough taxes, thanks to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Enacted under Ronald Reagan (and broadened under Bill Clinton), the Earned Income Tax Credit operates as a refundable tax credit for poor families and individuals. According to the Washington Post, “a worker with two kids making $16,000 a year can get up to $5,036 back in taxes.” Under the EITC, Perry and his conservative counterparts claim that poor taxpayers are not paying enough. However, economic experts found that EITC beneficiaries are generally one time users, usually by families with young children as a way to proactively decrease early-childhood poverty. Ronald Reagan referred to the EITC program as “the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job-creation measure to come out of Congress.” Will jumping on the flat tax band wagon revive Rick Perry’s campaign? In these tough economic times, will repealing the Earned Income Tax Credit, help or hurt the economy?   

Guests:  TBD


2:06 – 2:30

Which came first, the person or the egg? Prop 26 and Mississippi’s Personhood Amendment

Should a fertilized egg have legal rights? On November 8, voters in Mississippi decide the fate of Proposition 26, an amendment to the state’s constitution that, if passed, would give a fertilized egg ‘personhood’ status under the law. If voters approve it, which some feel is likely (both Democratic and Republican candidates for Governor have endorsed it) all abortions in the state would be illegal, as well as some forms of birth control like the IUDs and the “morning after pill.”  The amendment is being called extreme and some in the anti-abortion movement, including the National Right to Life and the Roman Catholic bishops, feel it may undermine their efforts to chip away at, or even overturn, Roe v. Wade. So if the amendment passes, could a woman be charged with murder if she has an abortion? Will there be an impact on women’s health if doctors fear prosecution for performing a life-saving abortion? And more practically, can a pregnant woman drive in the carpool lane?




Yes on Prop 26 or Personhood USA

Center for Reproductive Rights



2:30 – 2:58:30 OPEN






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