Friday, February 18, 2011

Patt Morrison for Monday, 2/21/2011 - Presidents' Day - SHOW ON TAPE


Monday, February 21, 2011

1-3 p.m.




1:00 – 2:00

Well…Ronald Reagan at 100 still looms large over the American political landscape

Love him or hate him, Ronald Reagan is an American icon that even 22 years after he’s left the White House still dominates the country’s political landscape.  His policies, domestic and foreign, are adhered to by both political parties: Bill Clinton, in a Reagan-esque declaration in 1996, said “The era of big government is over,” stealing a page right out of the Gipper’s playbook.  Republicans swear by the Reagan tax-cutting doctrine and both parties are embracing the mantle of deficit-cutters, just like Reagan did in his 1981 inaugural address.  Reagan’s military buildup of the 1980’s indirectly led to the first Gulf War and his foreign policy of strength helped to guide George W. Bush after 9/11/01.  But it’s Reagan’s style that has had the most significant lasting power, his sunny disposition and eternal optimism becoming a prerequisite to run for and be elected to office in this country.  “Morning in America” is still the guiding philosophy for political candidates everywhere 30 years later.  Ronald Reagan turns 100 on Sunday and we use the opportunity of his centennial celebration to examine the man, the myth and the legend of America’s 40th, and arguably most influential, president.



Douglas Brinkley, Professor of History at Rice University and a contributing editor at Vanity Fair. His latest book, The Quiet World: Saving Alaska's Wilderness Kingdom 1879-1960, was published in January. He is editor of The Reagan Diaries.


William Niskanen, Chairman of President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisors from 1981 – 1985; Chairman Emeritus of the CATO Institute


Bill Galston, Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution and former policy advisor to President Bill Clinton.


Ron Reagan, author of “My Father at 100”; son of President Ronald Reagan & First Lady Nancy Reagan; former host of programs on MSNBC & Air America Radio



2:00 – 3:00

Why is Los Angeles still the “homeless capital of America?”—Part One: the Safer City Initiative

With over 40,000 homeless living on its streets, Los Angeles is the homeless capital of the country. The biggest cluster of those homeless men and women— nearly four thousand—lives in Skid Row, just in the shadow of city hall, where city and county government make policy decisions about the issue. Nearly five years after Mayor Villaraigosa's ambitious Skid Row Safer City Initiative—the policing strategy that placed 50 additional officers in the fifty block area of downtown's Skid Row—we look back at whether the initiative accomplished what it set out to and what is left to be done to address homeless issues downtown and throughout the county. We begin this two-part series on homelessness by tracing the SCI from its inception as an idea on the pages of 1982 Atlantic magazine, to the streets of Los Angeles. Did SCI deliver both the policing and social service components it promised, and was it the best use of resources? Is policing a necessary but insufficient part of the solution or just a way of criminalizing homelessness? You’ll hear from the people affected by it—police, policymakers, and the homeless themselves.



James Q. Wilson, senior fellow at the Clough Center, and distinguished scholar in Boston College’s Department of Political Science; he and social scientist George Kelling wrote the1982 “Broken Windows” article in The Atlantic magazine, which introduced the broken windows theory of policing, which would become Safer Cities.

Deon Joseph, Senior Lead Officer, Los Angeles Police Department, Central Division

General Dogan, Skid Row resident and activist with the Los Angeles Community Action Network (LACAN)

Griselda Tapia, officer, Los Angeles Police Department, Central Division

Clinton Popham, officer, Los Angeles Police Department, Central Division

Gary Blasi, Professor of Law at the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles UCLA


Jan Perry, Councilwoman for the 9th District of Los Angeles, which includes the fifty blocks of Skid Row

Estela Lopez, Executive Director, Central City East Association (CCEA), which represents the businesses in the area; the CCEA’s “initial mission was to protect the area from becoming the central location for the region’s homeless services.”

Deon Joseph, Senior Lead Officer, Los Angeles Police Department, Central Division

Steve Cooley, District Attorney, Los Angeles County

Carmen Trutanich, City Attorney, Los Angeles


Deon Joseph, Senior Lead Officer, Los Angeles Police Department, Central Division

Gary Boatwright, homeless man

Jerry Neuman (NEW-man), Home for Good task force co-chair representing the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce






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