Monday, August 27, 2012

PATT MORRISON SCHEDULE for Tuesday, August 28, 2012 (11 a.m - Noon, 2-3 pm)


11:06 – 11:19  - OPEN




11:23 – 11:39

This year’s presidential ticket is sporting something it never had before: a candidate from Generation X
Representative Paul Ryan’s ascension as the presumptive vice presidential nominee is the first time Generation X - those born between the mid-1960s to the early 1980s - has had a shot at a seat at the big table. The public perception of Gen Xers is that they are apathetic, confused, self-loathing, and fatalistic – hardly the kind of image of the socially conservative and fiscally grounded fitness nut that Paul Ryan exhibits. Could Paul Ryan be a new symbol for a generation that has suffered through a severe recession during its prime wage-earning years? Or does Ryan represent another aspect of the misunderstood generation that has simply been biding its time?

Guest: TBD




11:41:30 – 11:58:30

Rising number of Afghan forces turn their guns on NATO

Though most deaths during the war in Afghanistan have come during NATO and Afghan National forces facing off against the Taliban and al-Qaeda, a rising number of NATO soldiers have been killed from Afghan soldiers turning their guns against, seemingly, ‘their own team.’ According to Newsweek, members of Afghanistan’s security forces have killed 40 soldiers this year, which has surpassed last year’s total of 35. The “green-on-blue killings” have increased since the onset of the war. According to the Long War Project, insider killings have accounted for 13 percent of NATO casualties in 2012, 6 percent in 2010 and 2011, 3 perecent in 2009, and less than 1 percent in 2008.Reasons for the increase of shootings are unclear. According to the Long War Journal, US commanders have insisted that attacks are due to “cultural differences between Afghan and Western troops.” Of note is also the Taliban influence in Afghanistan, who have infiltrated members of the Afghan National army and posed as members. According to CNN, A Department of Defense report in April stated that " a large majority of green-on-blue attacks are not attributable to insurgent infiltration of the ANSF [Afghan National Security Forces] but are due to isolated personal grievances against coalition personnel."





Andrew Exum, Senior Fellow with the Center for a New American Security, former U.S. Army soldier in Afghanistan, author of “This Man's Army: A Soldier's Story from the Front Lines




2:06 – 2:19 - OPEN




2:21:30 – 2:39

How did hurricane Katrina change America?
Seven years ago today, the residents of New Orleans were in the midst of the last day before The Storm, as hurricane Katrina has come to be known by locals in its aftermath. The following day, on August 29th, 2005, the storm would make landfall as a Category 3 story with winds reaching 74 to 130 miles per hour and the gulf coast was hit hard.  Levies were breached in New Orleans and over 1,800 people lost their lives in the storm and ensuing flooding. At an estimated $81 billion, Katrina would be the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history. Katrina changed the city of New Orleans forever, but the disaster changed our larger culture on many levels. Criticism of the Bush administration’s response to the storm prompts different responses to disasters by political leaders today; a generation of young people learned about volunteering by moving to New Orleans to help rebuild the city; and racial and economic inequality in America was laid bare by the wind, water and aftermath. How is America different in a post-Katrina reality? Will the lessons learned continue to be heeded as time passes?


Guests: TBD



2:41:30 – 2:58:30

Ayn Rand in Hollywood

Before John Galt, there was Jesus. Ayn Rand, the writer responsible for “The Fountainhead,” “Atlas Shrugged,” and (allegedly) Paul Ryan’s worldview, started – like many writers – at the low rung of the Hollywood totem pole. In 1926, the new-to-the-country Russian émigré found herself working as a junior screenwriter for Cecil B. DeMille on “The King of Kings,” an epic “part-Gospel, part-Technicolor” re-telling of the Passion of Christ. For $25 a week, Rand toiled away for no credit, until she eventually left for New York, returning to Hollywood on her own terms in the mid-1940s, when she would see her own novels turned into films, including “The Fountainhead,” which starred Gary Cooper. What is the connection between Ayn Rand’s early years in the movie-making machine and her later magna opera, and were the films that followed any good?




Anne C. Heller, author of “Ayn Rand and the World She Made”

Michael Phillips, film critic for the Chicago Tribune








Producer - Patt Morrison
89.3 KPCC - Southern California Public Radio
213.290.4201 – mobile/SMS
626-583-5171  – office
474 South Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA  91105


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