Board of Supervisors, County of Los Angeles
Contact: Judy Hammond, Director of Public Affairs, (213) 974-1363
Brian Lew, Assistant Director, (213) 974-1652
Live videofeed, English and Spanish, Telco #948075 Audio–(213) 974-4700 or
(877) 873-8017 ext. 111111# English
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Agenda and supporting documents:
Agenda Highlights:
July 31, 2008
Aug. 5 Agenda Highlights
(Meeting begins at 9:30 a.m.)
Report to be given on the pros/cons of enabling the County’s healthcare system to accept Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. (Item S-1, 11 a.m.)
Board asked to approve environmental impact report, site acquisition, and allocation of $7.4 million in funding for construction of a 60-unit affordable multi-family rental housing development in East Los Angeles. (Item 1-D, cont. from 7/29)
Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich requests support for countywide initiative that would require future sales tax increases imposed by MTA to be spent on both regional and subregional transportation projects. (Item 3, cont. from 7/22)
Supervisor Gloria Molina proposes $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of person(s) responsible for the murder in East Los Angeles of Luis Sandoval in 2007. (Item 6)
Supervisor Yvonne B. Burke requests extension of $10,000 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of person(s) responsible for the shooting death of Hae Sook Roh during robbery in Gardena on May 12. (Item 12)
$351,650 proposal would fund program to conduct onsite observations and administrative reviews of child care centers/homes as part of the STEP child care rating system project being piloted in nine communities in the County. (Item 15)
Board asked to declare countywide water supply and conservation alert urging residents, businesses, and cities to intensify conservation efforts and directing County departments to reduce water usage by 15-20 percent. (Item 17)
$244,000 proposal would fund renovation of space in the Malibu Civic Center for use by the Superior Court. (Item 21)
Chief Executive Office recommends return to his office a proposal to spend additional $9 million to upgrade electronic accounting system for financial and human resources, including payroll and timecards, which would bring total cost to $160 million. (Item 24)
$349,185 proposal would upgrade Department of Public Health’s web-based electronic disease reporting system, upping budget to $3.6 million. (Item 30)
Supervisors asked to declare 25th Street East Bridge in Palmdale to be no longer a part of the County Systems of Highways to enable the bridge to be seismically retrofitted. (Item 32)
Adoption of the Upper Santa Clara River Integrated Regional Water Management Plan would encourage regional approach to water issues. (Item 34, cont. from 7/29)
$103,000 proposal would fund runway lighting/signage upgrade project at Brackett Field Airport in La Verne. (Item 38)
Sheriff asks approval to provide law enforcement services to Foothill Transit at estimated cost of $400,000, and increase of two deputy sheriff positions. (Item 47, cont. from 6/24, 7/1)
Reduction of high tech and identify theft crimes targeted with two grants totaling $2.3 million. (Items 48, 50)
Acceptance of $1.7 million grant would allow County law enforcement agencies to better track sex offenders. (Item 49)
$775,000 settlement proposed for lawsuit concerning allegations that an employee of the Department of Health Services was subjected to harassment and retaliation. (Item 51)
Board asked to put measure on the Nov. 4 ballot to increase sales tax by half a cent for Metropolitan Transit Authority projects. (Item 52)
Ordinance would establish a hearing examiner procedure to provide for holding public hearings in the locale or community affected by a proposed major land use project. (Items 64, 67)
Board asked to approve revisions to the Regional Housing Needs Assessment for the County, updated analyses and new programs to meet the County’s housing development goals. (Item 68)
Board in closed session discusses lawsuit seeking to require the United States Environmental Protection Agency to conduct studies and adopt criteria for water quality standards at beaches. (Item CS-1)
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