Monday, July 13, 2009

Nomination papers available for Nov. 3 elections


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                  
July 13, 2009                                           Contacts:       Marcia Ventura (562) 462-2726
                                                or Eileen Shea (562) 462-2648



Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) Dean Logan announced that persons intending to run for office in the November 3, 2009 Consolidated Elections may file nomination papers beginning today, Monday, July 13th.  The candidate nomination period will continue through Friday, August 7, 2009 at 5 p.m.  The November 3, 2009 Consolidated Elections are conducted for a number of local municipalities, school districts, community college districts, and other special districts.  This election, 123 districts will hold elections on November 3, 2009.  (See attached list of offices to be filed with the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.)

Detailed information regarding the candidate filing process is available on the Registrar Recorder/County Clerk website

( The RR/CC offers an electronic “Candidate Registration and Qualification Form” online.  Qualified persons

intending to run for this office can submit their candidate registration form online by clicking on the following link: Candidate Registration & Qualification Form (CRQ)


With the exception of candidates seeking Municipal Office, nomination documents must be filed at the RR/CC Headquarters, 12400 Imperial Highway,

Norwalk, Election Information Section, Second floor, Room 2013, no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 7, 2009.  Candidates seeking Municipal elected offices

(e.g. city council) will file with the City Clerk in each city.


Candidates can authorize another person to pick up their nomination documents from the RR/CC Norwalk location and return the signed documents by

completing an authorization form. 


An authorization form is available for downloading from the RR/CC website using the Candidate Filing link, or can be obtained in person at the RR/CC Headquarters in Norwalk.

The RR/CC provides prospective candidates with the Candidate Handbook and Resource Guide; also available online at in the Highlights

section of the main page or upon request at the Election Information Counter, Room 2013.  The handbook contains a Calendar of Events indicating critical

deadlines, rules and guidelines for campaigning, campaign finance disclosure filing requirements and other valuable information. 


Further information about the Consolidated Elections can be obtained by calling the RR/CC Election Planning Section (562) 462-2317 or the RR/CC

Election Information Section at (562) 466-1310 or by going online to the RR/CC website and clicking on Voter & Election Information.


Persons requiring multilingual assistance in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog/Filipino, or Vietnamese can call (800) 481-8683.

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