Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Patt Morrison for Th 7/16/09


Thursday, July 16, 2009

1-3 p.m.


1:00 – 1:30




1:30 - 2:00

Free: The Future of a Radical Price

To some ears, "free" may be the most beautiful word in the language. To others, it means the end of entire industries. How can giving things away be a business model, and how does that change consumer expectations? Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of "Wired" magazine and author of Free: the Future of a Radical Price, joins us with his new theories and his answer to plagiarism charges.



Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of "Wired" magazine and author of The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More and most recently, Free: the Future of a Radical Price




2:00 – 2:40

California’s Version of Philadelphia 1787?

After several years of seemingly perpetual budget crisis, most Californians would agree that our state’s government is fundamentally broken.  The question then becomes, what should be done to fix it?  A group of Californians is pushing for a radical but increasingly viable option—starting over from scratch with a constitutional convention to rewrite the state constitution.  What should a new state charter look like?



Jim Wunderman, president & CEO of the Bay Area Council; member of the Repair California coalition




Rick Jacobs, president of the Courage Campaign


Councilman Eric Garcetti, District 13; President of the L.A. City Council



2:40 – 3:00

Gas Prices Fuel Debate over Speculators:

Usually things like supply, demand and economic health, determine how much stuff costs.  But lately, gas prices seem to be surging independent of these forces.  And dropping.  And surging again.  Why so fickle?  Analysts speculate the volatility is caused by oil speculators.  Now, the Obama Administration says it might be time to step in.  Should speculation in energy markets me curbed?  If so, how would those limits be enforced?



Guests: Tom Kloza, Publisher, Chief Oil Analyst, Oil Price Information Service





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