Friday, October 10, 2008

Patt Morrison Mon, 10/13


Monday, October 13, 2008

1-3 p.m.


1:00 – 1:40





1:40 – 2:00

Oil Prices: The One Silver Lining in the Economic Meltdown?

Prices at the pump are dropping fast, the national average is $3.35 (as of Friday) and predicted to fall below $3 a gallon in a matter of weeks. Oil dropped from its precarious high of almost $150 a barrel in July to less than $78 today - its cheapest price in 13 months. The fear on wall street is gripping the oil market - but at least this is one change we can all enjoy. How long will the stranglehold on the markets keep oil prices low? And will the cheap price encourage consumers to go back to their gas-guzzling ways?



Jeff Leonard: Spokesman, National Association of Convenience Stores

Call him @

His group represents convenience stores, the bulk of which sell gas. Both independent operators and chains.


Vijay Vaitheeswaran: Energy and Environmental Correspondent for the Economist

Call him @







2:00 – 2:30

Prop 10: Big Wind, Big Bond

Texas oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens is sponsoring Proposition 10, nicknamed “Big Wind,” which would authorize $5 billion in bonds paid from the state’s General Fund to be allocated as rebates for purchasers of certain alternative fuel vehicles and as incentives for production of renewable energy technology. Opponents, including the Consumer Federation of California and environmental groups such as the Sierra Club, claim the bill would set up Pickens’ Clean Energy Fuels Corporation for a financial windfall, plunge the state into further debt, and not effectively combat climate change. Is Prop 10 overdue progressive legislation or another case of wealthy special interest?



YES ON 10:

Todd Campbell, Public Policy Director, Clean Energy Fuels Corporation; Former Mayor of Burbank; Campbell helped write Prop 10.




NO ON 10:

Jim Metropulos, legislative representative, Sierra Club of California.






2:30 – 3:00





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