Monday, October 13, 2008

Patt Morrison Tues, 10/14


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

1-3 p.m.



1:00 – 1:20

Update on Fires




1:20 – 2:00







2:00 – 2:20

Everyone Said the Debates Matter—After 3 Boring Debates, Do They Still Matter?

In what has been a fiercely contested and relatively tight campaign between Barack Obama and John McCain, most voters said that they would lean heavily on the candidates’ performances in the debates to make their ultimate decision.  With two underwhelming Obama-McCain matches and one Biden-Palin contest behind us, have the debates affected the voters’ bottom line?  The folks at the Quinnipiac Polling Institute had a novel idea:  conduct pre- and post-debate polls in key battleground states to see if the debates swayed any voters.  We get those results on the eve of the 3rd and final debate.



Pete Brown, assistant director of t he Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, specializing in battleground state polls





2:20 – 2:30





2:30 – 3:00

Richard Belzer: “I Am Not A Cop”

He may play the hard-boiled Detective John Munch on NBC’s Law and Order, but actor and comedian Richard Belzer is anything but…until now. In his new book, “I Am Not a Cop,” Belzer blends fact with fiction.  He cast himself as the lead, but the twists and turns of the plot are pure imagination.  The fictional Belzer finds himself trying to solve a real crime after Rudy Markovich, a nyc medical examiner, goes missing. Belzer’s real life collides with the detective he plays on t.v. in this debut mystery.



Richard Belzer: Actor and Author, “I am Not a Cop”



Belzer will be signing copies of his new book at Borders on Westwood Boulevard (1360 Westwood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90024) at 7:00 pm tonight.






How are You Feeling? The Campaigns on Health Care

How are you feeling? Do you check your health care insurance before you call your doctor, just to make sure you can afford the visit? Medical bills are the single biggest reason for personal bankruptcy in this country. So – how would the two presidential candidates change our messed-up health care system? Patt debates the merits of both plans with health care advisers to John McCain and Barack Obama. This discussion was taped last night at the California Endowment in front of a live audience.



Dr. Donald Kurth: Chair, California Health Care Coalition for McCain Campaign and Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga

LIVE @ ENDOWMENT (will arrive 6:30pm)


Russell Korobkin: Health Care Advisor to the Barack Obama campaign. Professor of Law at the UCLA School of Law where he teaches contracts, negotiation, and health care law, and author, most recently, of “Stem Cell Century: Law and Policy for a Breakthrough Technology.”

LIVE @ ENDOWMENT (will arrive @ 6 p.m.)


Gerald Kominski: Professor of Health Services and Associate Director of UCLA Center for Health Policy Research

LIVE @ ENDOWMENT (will arrive between 6:30 - 6:45pm)


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