Thursday, October 9, 2008

Burke to Make Major Announcement Regarding Landscape Improvements to Baldwin Hills Oil CSD



Supervisor Yvonne B. Burke



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                    CONTACT:    James Bolden

October 9, 2008                                                                                                                                     (213) 200-5314


Supervisor Burke to Make Major Announcement Regarding

Area Landscape Improvements Included in Improved

Community Standards District (CSD) for Baldwin Hills


The ‘Urban Restoration’ project will add much-needed habitat expansion and environmental

benefits to Baldwin Hills’ residents.  The oil and gas mining operations in the area are

the largest urban mining and production facilities of its type in the United States.


WHAT:                    The announcement of a comprehensive approach to improving both the scenic appearance and environmental benefits near the Baldwin Hills oil fields for local residents and passersby. The award-winning landscape architecture firm of Mia Lehrer & Associates will give a presentation on the habitat expansion and environmental benefits that have been included as a major element of the proposed CSD for Baldwin Hills oil drilling. The L.A. County Board of Supervisors will vote to approve the CSD at its October 21 meeting. 


WHO:                     L.A. County Second District Supervisor Yvonne B. Burke, Mia Lehrer and Ester Margulies of Mia Lehrer & Associates, and Baldwin Hills’ community residents.


WHEN:                   Friday, October 10, 2004 at 9:30 a.m.


LOCATION:            Kenneth Hahn State Park Community Room, 4100 South La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90056



The Community Standards District (CSD) is a set of regulations proposed to regulate future oil production activity at the Baldwin Hills oil fields. At the October 8 meeting, the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission approved a recommendation to send the final draft CSD to the Board of Supervisors for vote at its Tuesday, October 21 meeting.


The regulations outlined in the CSD are considered the most stringent in the state and provide innovative approaches to addressing potential oil field impacts.


The development standards and restrictions were developed based on mitigation measures identified in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), comments from public agencies, and input from Baldwin Hills' residents.



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